Latest bookmarks (page 1 of 10)

29 Jun
In this tutorial, we'll learn how to configure a complete user authentication system in Django consisting of login, logout, signup, password change, and password reset.
The complete source code is available on Github if you need a reference.
21 May
Complete document walking through queues in Python. Appears complete and extensive, with examples and code
9 Mar
Still in development but very interesting to consider, by
8 Mar
Discover Open Source Alternatives to Popular Software.
We’ve curated some great open source alternatives to tools that your business requires in day-to-day operations.
20 Feb
In this tutorial you'll build robust web crawlers using libraries like BeautifulSoup, learn techniques to overcome real-world scraping challenges and best practices for large scale scraping.
You'll gain the skills to scrape complex sites, handle issues like rate limits, blocks, and javascript pages.
7 Feb
I've written an ActivityPub server which only allows you to post messages to your followers. That's all it does. It won't record favourites or reposts. There's no support for following other accounts or receiving replies. It cannot delete or update posts nor can it verify signatures. It doesn't have a database or any storage beyond flat files.
But it will happily send messages and allow itself to be followed. This shows that it is totally possible to broadcast fully-featured ActivityPub messages to the Fediverse with minimal coding skills and modest resources.
1 Feb
This article is part of the series Understanding ActivityPub, which takes a look at the ActivityPub protocol through the lens of real-world examples
1 Feb
The theory behind Mastodon and WebFinger is fascinating. I’ve managed to configure my immutable mastodon handle. That's the handle I can communicate to potential followers: if I move to another server, I'll update the webfinger with my new coordinates.
1 Feb
They say, it doesn't matter which Mastodon instance you sign up with. You can still communicate with the entire Fediverse and when push comes to shove, you can also always move. Well, push came to shove for me and I had to move. So let's talk about the giant asterisk that belongs after both of those claims.